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Have a Vision? - Then let us help you make it a Reality!

This is what happened with my clients when they had a vision of creating a holiday home for their growing family in a town that they love. Their intention is to use it for their own family holidays and in between those weeks, to rent it out for the benefit of other families and friends.

This is the beginning story about the property in South Pembrokeshire we have been working on for the last year or so.

I think it would be fair to say that it was a massive undertaking which took a huge amount of structural vision and sheer hard work and determination over a period of many months.

We are now on the final sprint so I thought it would be of interest to show the progress over the past year & a half, up to this February, when it will be ready for them to take a family break.

This blog shows the structural work in pictures and as you can see the property was not the prettiest or stylish when they bought it but take a look at what has been achieved on the outside now.

You can see by the newly finished façade and fabulous picture windows from floor to ceiling the interiors will be something quite special.

Just wait until you see the interiors in a few weeks – they are fabulous!

Meanwhile look out for our next blog,

“When buying a Red Sofa in a Sale is NOT the bargain you first thought…….”

Until the next time…

Marian x


Wel dyma ni…dechre hanes y ty yn Sir Benfro sydd wedi bod ar waith ers tua blwyddyn bellach.

Fe brynwyd y ty gan gleientiaid I greu cartre gwyliau mewn tref ble maent wedi treulio eu gwyliau teulu ers blynyddoedd.

Teg fyddai dweud nad prosiect ir gwan galon oedd hwn.

Fel y gwelwch or lluniau roedd angen gweledigaeth a dygnwch o rhan y cleient I droi y ty yma yn gartre moethus a chyfoes.

Bellach mae’r prosiect yn dirwyn I ben ac ryn ni wrthi yn ei drawsnewid o gragen wag I fod yn gartre moethus

Fel y gwelwch or llunie roedd y ty yn hen ffasiwn a dweud y lleia ond mae’r newidiadau yn syfrdanol gyda’r ffenestri enfawr yn edrych dros y dyffryn .

Yr wythnos hon bydd y gegin ar lloriau yn cael ei gosod ac yna erbyn Chwefror bydd tecstiliau ar celfi yn I lle.

Cadwch daro mewn I ddilyn y broses

Yn y cyfamser cadwch lygaid am y blog nesa…..

“Dyw soffa neu garped coch mewn sel ddim yn fargen pob amser….!”


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